Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Term 3 Inquiry Sharing
Inquiry Review September 1
Staff shared what has worked well for their Term 3 inquiries and in some cases why things haven’t worked well. Also, we talked about the why as well as of the what.
The key thing from these reflections is to feed forward evaluations and reflections into their class’s next inquiry.
Some notes:
• Lots of good questions, all children participating with improvement in quality questions
• Noted that teachers valued children by recording their names with the questions
• Children self and peer monitoring
• Some answers from children didn’t meet teacher’s expectations in terms of depth/delivery
• Evidence of student voice even at a junior level of the direction for the unit e.g. choice of animal to inquire about
• Depending on the topic/questions, children needed lots of input and motivation from the teacher in terms of building their knowledge base
• Having a good SPARK is key to a successful inquiry
• Use of student developed wikis has been a good motivator/Voice tool and is also a good way to keep track of progress as the student’s wiki develops over time
• Strong development of children’s understandings of keywords/phrases when creating questions has been noted by some teachers.
• Good evidence of letting children’s wonderings generate the interest in their inquiry
• Links made between keywords from questions to skilful use of a search engine like Google or Ask.com
• Senior classes used to work alongside juniors and support with questions and rephrasing both the questions as well as putting findings into children’s own words
• Need to find some websites that are written in child speak as a resource bank. Videos/DVDs can be useful sources of information as children are generally better at viewing and listening than they are at reading
• Inquiry has been a good way to develop children’s social skills in a meaningful context and to improve participation/co-operation within a group as well as relating to others (Key Competencies).
• Last term’s inquiry and/or recent class events has in some cases fed forward into a meaningful inquiry for Term 3, which has been good as it represents a response to children’s interests/needs
• Teachers have noted that their class’s inquiries have been an enjoyable learning experience for them as well as their children and that children have taken the inquiry a way that the teacher hadn’t thought of or wanted but this has all turned out well
• Many teachers have focused on questioning as the key aspect in this term’s inquiry
• Good use of Trevor Bond’s questioning rubric in some classes
• Use of quality literature in conjunction with DVD has been a strong motivating factor (Spiderwick Chronicles) in one class (SPARK backed up by high teacher enthusiasm)
• A field trip can be used as a SPARK but can also be used as a fun way to bring a unit to an end (e.g. trip to Owlcatraz).
• Kidspiration has been a useful means of organising and displaying ideas as a class
• The emphasis on questioning, discussion etc in an inquiry has led to improved oral language and vocabulary skills
• Use of art to show learning/knowledge rather than writing has been a positive in one class as it has given children an accessible and motivating means of Voice
• Inquiries have been a good means of building up content knowledge in response to student interest (e.g. science – vertebrates, exoskeleton etc)
• Music unit on ukuleles has become a secondary inquiry in one class by use of questionings and wonderings as well as developing children’s musical skills
• Encouraging and developing questioning skills is a significant challenge for new entrants
• We can’t assume what is in children’s heads, we need to think! Perhaps we need to try and think as a child thinks, also perhaps use make believe as an approach to develop curiosity and creativity or some hands on.
• We need to feed information in (You Tube, fiction, non fiction, DVD, hands on experiences) to children when they are lacking in knowledge/interest.
• http://www.pppst.com/index.html
• There is a danger in losing coherence by going too broad or diverse with a topic – perhaps keep a central question and have groups work around it but contributing to the main question
Inquiry - Sharing
We have just had a fantastic sharing session re our current Inquiry. The key focus has been:
- Share something that worked well
- Why do you think this was the case?
- Application for future Inquiries
A strong theme coming through was the teachers reflecting on student voice in the Inquiry -the stronger the student voice often the greater the success with the Inquiry.
Teachers were able to identify the where to next time....Inquiry is alive and well at Levin North!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Another crack at it

The students have definitely improved their questioning and are more able to manipulate information to reflect the needs of the questions.
Room 15 Scotland
Well, we've had a full on term. The students came up with all sorts of places and cultures, voted and chose Scotland! We talked about how culture is expressed and came up with Music, Legends & Folktales, Dress, Dance and Food & Drink. That created groups for inquiry (groups of 5-6).
We've talked a lot more explicitly about the STRIVE model so that children become more familiar and comfortable with using it. To support that, I have done short mini inquiries, based on children's questions about the flags, haggis, bagpipes, Loch Ness monster etc - these have been quite popular. Students have been better in terms of questioning and we have also talked about the 7 levels of questioning - we need a common graphic/format for this to display in classrooms so that the language of questioning gets embedded in our culture of inquiry.
I've got at least one student ready and keen to try an independent inquiry in Term 3 so that will be interesting and challenging, but exciting.
In Term 3, it's our last term of the 1 year STRIVE trial model so I hope that it will be a term for thinking about how the model can be improved - evaluating it's strengths and weaknesses and talking about where to next as a school in terms of inquiry. I'm also excited of course to see where things go in terms of children's interests for Term 3.
Room 13
Knowledge of other cultures and countries is minimal, so it was good to have the class studying another country.
The children responded to doing team work to answer their inquiry questions, with the use of graphic organisers to refine and present information. Focus on music and art for learning about Jamaica. Further study developed of pirates who were based in Jamaica which roused interest. Made use of a few Youtube clips as a resource for information to answer questions, as well as several Powerpoint presentations that were available and National Geographic for Kids website for animal and bird studies. Web site for Jamaican patois language was good. Keen to share their knowledge with other classes in the Syndicate. Difficult to obtain video resources about the Caribbean, but have just located one newly released BBC DVD called "Wild Caribbean" which is on order, and part of this will be viewed as a reinforcement of the unit objectives and the concepts studied when it does arrive. Room 1 Japan inquiry
Much better this term, knowing more about the process. More to do here and to make it more child based, although some of the items we chose are leading us to different places. e.g. investigating Mt Fuji means the children now want to find out about volcanos, how the earth was formed, etc. This will lead nicely to topics for next term. Didn't do many of the things I had thought about initially especially the music and dance.
At this level the process and the terminology seems to go over their heads but I guess the more we practice it the more the process will make sense!!!
Japan and Samoa Room 7
Room7 (Yr 1/2) of LNS have been diving into two countries. We will be presenting our findings on Japan over a wide range of subjects, from origami to a paint-shaded Mt Fuji at Sunset to kanji calligraphy to sumo to traditional Japanese housing. The essential go-to site that gave us everything we needed to know was http://web-japan.org/kidsweb/, and it's full of great interactive games for junior-level kids.
Samoa is the smaller unit through which we've been paying more attention to the STRIVE model. Our suggestion for review, esp for the junior area, is STRIPE (incl. Present instead of Voice). Already the children have shown a high degree of spark, task and research, with artifacts ranging from native rubber balls to light weaponry (!) to kava bowls (!!) pouring in. We will be spoiled for things to present on our last week!
Room 12 Term2 Inquiry: China
Of course, we all had a lot of fun and learnt heaps about China. We focused on Chinese legends and special celebrations. We also became fascinated with pandas. A lot of useful websites were discovered, with some good video clips. We certainly got better at asking and answering questions! Did you know that red is a favourite colour? Could you explain the pattern on the Chinese flag? Do you know who Nian is - or PanGu - or the Jade Emperor? Could you write the word 'dragon' using chinese characters? Some of this information you will find in our Room 12 Blogspot (http://room12lns.blogspot.com) Next term's topic? Visit our site next term and find out.
Room 8 T2 Inquiry
*We have had emphasis on questioning and the children are enthusiastic.
*We have started on comparisons in 2 areas, food and schools, as these are areas the children know about from experience, which helps with their investigation into another country's way of doing these things.
*We have cooked NZ food and Indian food, and this was a real highlight. We have some more cooking to do.
*The children are using the library books, reading pictures and text for information after setting their own questions through class discussion. We hope to have something to share in the 'celebration'.
Room 18 Inquiry Term 2
Room 18 has been focussing in on Spain. They really enjoyed the opportunity to learn some Spanish (colours, numbers, greetings) and this motivated them to find out more. The different festivals were of high interest to them as they are different to our own. They were also interested to learn about the flag and how widely spoken Spanish is. Next step, if time, is some art based around Picasso's work.
Talking about the STRIVE model was helpful, children quickly realised which stage we were up to and what that meant they needed to be doing.
Inquiry Term 2
room 12 has been doing an inquiry on China. It has been generally a successful study , quite highly motivating for most of the children. They have had fun and produced some great pieces of work.
Points to note:
Graeme has done the majority of the unit as that is how we have timetabled the programme.
Children have increased their knowledge quite dramatically.
We have used a wide variety of resources including electronic.
Many of our students have difficulty using internet resources effectively because of their reading abilities
They have had opportunities to learn new skills with a focus on creating good questions and improving their oral language ( retelling)
The STRIVE model we are finding too complex and difficult for children at this stage of development to use in an efficient and meaningful way. We are questioning how appropriate the full model is for year 2 and 3 children.
Is there another simpler model that would better serve their needs?
The school wide focus works well as long as there is a wide enough range of ideas for classes to run with
Inquiry - reflections term2/09
This term has been interesting for the children in room 6. The term started with day 1 and a SPARK from the teachers, whereby all the teachers dressed up in a costume from another country. The TASK was thinking about appropriate questions that the children wanted to find out, attempting to use Trevor Bond's 7 stages of questioning. The children wanted to find out if people from different countries ate the same food. The RESEARCH and INFORMATION was finding out about food from a number of countries. We used books from the school library and a number of different websites to find information and pictures. We also tried sushi, green tea, chicken korma, naan bread, french sticks, croissants, olives, chargrilled peppers, ciabatta, hummas and salami in the classroom. Many of the children tried and experienced tastes that they had not tried before. A number of parents have asked for the recipes that we used. Many photos were taken and the children have been working on improving their photo taking techniques. At the moment we are finishing the Inquiry with VOICE and EVALUATION. The children are using comic-life and are trialing keynote with their findings, to share with others.
Far far away Room10
Awesome study really kid focused.
Questions still need lots of work especially the Stages which follows Trevor Bonds model.Our STRIVE model was reinforced however like questioning still requires more work.
The language of STRIVE should include Questioning as this is a major aspect of Inquiry and appears hidden in the word TASK.
Managing Ourselves especially establishing a timeline for completion of the Research proved invaluable.
Next learning step for term 3 will be that of notetaking.To achieve this integration in Writing and Reading is required.
Room 10
Friday, April 3, 2009
Questioning With Trevor Bond
The day with Trevor was focused on questioning
Questions are the engine house of thinking - Edward De Bono
Learning is knowing what to do when we don't know what to do - Guy Claxton
The new curriculum enables us to develop the notion of questioning within the classroom context
Vocab walk - how many words can you see...should be big enough so that you can read them from your desk...should be 300 of them......wow what a challenge...print saturated classroom!!!! Perhaps a good challenge for the syndicates to do...work as buddies to see how many words you have in the classroom. We got some good ideas on how we could perhaps do this. Words on boxes, ranches, nets, having cards at the ready - when it comes up, record it and stick it up on the wall
He talked about dumbing down our language...we need to use the language of thinking...brain research -children think in high order methods than we think that they do. We need to give students the opportunity to think in higher levels...predictive thinkers, aware thinkers, strategic thinkers. reflective thinkers.
Five types of knowledge....knowledge is formed in the space between the ears.
- Factual
- Conceptual
- Behavioural
- Linguistic
- Episodic
We should never underestimate the power of modelling on our learning and on our learners.
Celebration of the understanding.
We are doing inquiry so that we can lead our students to being independent learners...have to build high quality tasks for our students...that is our challenge! Once we get to this point then we can move them to negotiated tasks......but we need to remember that they need something to model their inquiry on.
Good inquiry moves children to independence...along side this we need to develop our literacy...at the centre of all this is that in order to develop knowledge with questioning.
You cannot engage with text without comprehension with requires us to be questioning.
Postman "The most important and intellectual ability man has yet to develop - the art and science of questioning"
Divergent are the most powerful kind of questions.
Teachers ask 99.89% of the questions in the classroom . Quilt study.(an English study)
The Wonder sheet suggestion...same kind of idea as the wonder wall...
Questions comes from the spark of curiosity
The art of good teaching begins when we can answer the questions our students are really trying to ask us, if only they knew how to do so.....debatable
Learner questions and teacher questions.....separating the two.....interesting!
Learner questions - requests, rhetoric, inquiry
Learner Questions
Requests Inquiry Rhetoric
Primary Fertile, Essential, Inquiry, Rich, Reflective
Intermediary Diagnostic analytical evaluative questions
Low Open closed Fat skinny Key Search
Information Seeking Questions
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Feedback on Red on Blue
Staff focus = Questioning - maybe focus on the Task stage - assessment and staff development wise.
Feedback on Thoughts for Term 2 Ideas
Link with Key Competencies - Managing Self - having structure in place in terms of a timeline keeps students focused - we can discuss with children the importance of having a timeline to keep on track.
Discussion around balance between time for finding and time for presenting information - a lot of time gets spent on finding rather than presenting information - obviously you need to find out information first. Integration of stages may occur -when we view a dance to find information, we are also learning how to present an idea at the same time. We need not think about the stages of STRIVE being entirely linear - not sure we agree on this one as yet! We need to have the model yes but we can and should be doing some Information at same time as Research etc - it's actually STRIVE with a stutter (STRTRITRIVRITRTRIVE) and lots of TRI!!!
From the Principal's Pen!
We have done it -we have all successfully blogged on some aspect of our Inquiry undertaken this term! We have also successfully used chatzy - aren't we simply the best!!! Yes the bribes helped us get through the process.....and yes I have yet to master anti clockwise!!!!! Ponder...how could you use blogging in your room? what about chatzy...could they be two tools we use with our Inquiry model?
In dealing with looking toward term 2 - we have come up with some excellent suggestions in how we can continue to strengthen the STRIVE model here at Levin North!
Term Two Inquiry ideas
Cultural idea popular - how cultures use dance and the arts to express themselves -
Cultures in relation to our own.
Whole school spark. e.g visiting cultural group(s)
Individuals or classes?
Questioning - focus? TO day on questioning coming up next Friday.
Questioning gives direction and focus to study and achievement.
Identify different cultures identified in our school community - shoulder tapping.
Sharing websites and doing interactive resources. Sharing parents if good.
Research and finding out.
Need to know spark well before getting into unit so we have schoolwide spark rather than individual.
Using Voice - how can this happen successfully? Dance, song, game coming from arts emphasis in culture. eg. batik, tie-dying, leads to focus on country.
Not same voice throughout school, choose per room, but whole class can investigate same topic and have same activities.
Should we have a whole school question with rooms doing country choice?? or is it better to let classes set questions?? Great value in questions set in classes by children after spark.
Find culture relative to school for ready resource?
If we don't have a set question, does it make it too open/wide for children to maintain focus and achieve outcome. Could we use children's questions to choose one, two or three as focus, not everyone's questions. Gives control to chn and T for direction.
More time needed for teaching the skills to question well, to try questions. All student questions acceptable, use to choose most useful questions teaching children how to question.
red on blue
Red on blue
* school spark to inspire whole school learning.
* are we going too far too fast?
* we need to do lots of discussion in our classes about the STRIVE so students can see the process of the inquiry.
* remember the aim of independent inquiry learning and passing onto the language and skills of inquiry.
* perhaps staff focus on one stage of the model, e.g. questioning techniques.
* more definition of boundaries of inquiry for next term e.g. dance or art or language.
* bring/involve family cultural groups, including European
* units need more time to gather info etc, probably 6 full weeks, 1 week to do Spark and teaching of STRIVE model, including the language of inquiry.
Term 2 ideas
Term 2.
We need to set the kids timelines and deadlines for reaching the end of certain stages.
We need to show the chn HOW to approach each stage so that they have a format and a platform to work from. We need to work on what the STRIVE model is with our kids. eg: What is going to make good research? How do I know I'm doing well?
In term 2 let's teach the STRIVE model and use our topic as an example of how it can work. We can prevaluate each stage by asking "How can we (our class) be successful at this stage?" We can relate our topic back to the model at each stage.
We could study a cultural topic according to our year-group abilities, and anchor the topic to, say, one culture per class in order to make it easier to study the STRIVE model itself.
One problem with this is that if we set limits and timelines, we could be working against the individualism and freedom of the inquiry model. We could put less emphasis on stages like Research and more on the later stages such as Voice; work to present, more than find.
THOUGHTS for Term 2
In small groups we discussed about a school wide spark and the importance of this as a motivator as well as a spark happening in your own classroom, depending on the concept that classes are going to run with. What has worked well in some teams has been the sharing of websites and this has motivated the children to run with the concept.
We have found that we need to revisit our strive model in our own classroom as well as working to a timeline. This term has produced a "fast" inquiry and maybe the depth has not been there. It appears that this inquiry was too wide and not pulled in enough to be classes AND school-wide. Especially after the xmas holiday break whereby a lot of the students have forgotten the stages and the parts that they play.
Thinking ahead to term 4 when we have a flower show, can we have some flower power thinking?
Thoughts for term 2, possibly having the pacifica group from the local college and a class lunch sharing, looking at different cultures and costumes that they wear. This would be homely for our children that are multicultural.
A school wide spark GETS everybody talking and hopefully the buy-in from all!!
We still need to have that student voice factor. We are looking forward to listening to Trevor Bond and he will be able to help US in the area of questioning. As teachers we need to give direction to our students in locating resources, so they are more focused. The resources need to be relevant to the concept being shared. Classes sharing their inquiry during the journey to other classes and also the celebration.
Topic Term 1 GJB
Topic: How a Mousetrap Works
Spark "There are mice around our storeroom ......" discussion, what now?
After discussion: Task - draw a mousetrap (any style acceptable, no pics etc to work from) - compare and discuss drawings.
Lead on to observe big pic of mousetrap - "How many parts?" "What purpose of each?"
Our major question is Are Guns Necessary?
We looked at ammunition and then children picked a weapon and formed focussing questions on how they worked. Research was needed and problems with accessing inappropriate sights arose. We presented work on key note. All how stuff works but our major question wasn't.
We need to discuss using thinking hats and using information to draw unit together and get back to main question.
Term One identified needs
Children's enthusiasm for topic great - they chose it from some reading we did.
Brainstorming becoming effective - new emphasis: moving thoughts onto graphic organisers apart from mind maps.
Information to be at reader friendly level - T found sites suitable, this to be developed.
Conscious of need to convert information to knowledge related to previous sentence - reading ability, use of oral work to continue to support this.
Bit of both by Neil
My kids got into research, albeit from a small range of sources. They were keen to look and are beginning to think as they go about the relevance of the information they find and relating it back to their questions in the Task stage.
More work is needed on sifting and sorting and critical thinking - I think some explicit teaching and modelling of this with many repetitions - of course the ability to read and view and listen is a prerequisite to good Information stage work.
Term 2 - well I'm really excited about the cultural idea - how cultures use dance, music, dress to express themselves.
The children from room6 were able to think of lots of questions, but a lot of work had to be done around what sorts of questions were being asked. We wanted fat questions that would lead to more thought and depth. The first lot of questions that we tried were all over the place but by round 2 the children were all on board and becoming more engaged as one question led into another and the children fed off one another. Continue to work on this.
The SPARK is so fundamentally important, unless this works well the kids are not going to be motivated. Time needs to be spent thinking of attention grabbing activities that will gain and sustain the kids whole focus.
We have been able to research and gather information orally and in written form , some students more efficiently than others but I have struggled a bit with finding an authentic voice for the class as a whole.
A few students have become easily engaged and contrbuted well
term 1 inquiry reflections
What went well?
Spark seemed to be good. Students love animals and own animal photos from Africa on projector seemed inspiring.
Simpe questionning techniques, going well, children getting used to asking questions and to remember the anwers. (Most of them)
Could do better?
More questionning skills!!!! (hopefully on TOD)
More relevant research and information resources.
How things work: Brainstormed possible topics - shortlisted the things we could study - settled on robots and remote controlled toys - sparked by me bringing my remote cars and spider, and my roboquad - kids asked questions, mainly about movement of robots and how to make remote toys work.
Had great research session today - class split in three - made pull-motor cars, created circuits and programmed a robot.
Term one - Information
We have done our research and are now sorting through our information and deciding what is relevant. We have discussed key words and the children realise that having specific questions to answer makes their search smaller and more manageable. The class are in pairs to work through the topic "How Stuff Works". It's interesting to see the topics they have decided on.
I believe that there needs to be a bullet point Under research which includes a timeline .
Kids need to have expectations on what is expected from each stage. I need to build accountability for those kids who take too long on one aspect of the STRIVE model.
More time needed building the vocab of the strive model was also needed.
term 1 inquiry - research - Rm 3
Having spent the first few weeks listening to the children's questions, we were able to develop the 'how stuff works' from interest things that interest them. We looked at how the swimming pool works and asked questions like -
Why doesn't the water get dirty?
How does Mr Cook keep it clean?
What is in the shed?
In our research we have looked at things the children have brought from home. This has meant looking on the net for more information and using equipment to explore. We have found out how a pen works and how pens from a long time ago worked. Some questions we have asked -
Why does an old pen look like that?
How does a pen work when we dip the end in ink?
How can you write with a feather?
When would you write with a feather?
Blogging our Unit
Today we are all spending some time in our staff meeting blogging our unit. Reflecting on the Stages covered to date...and digging deeper on one of these to reflect on what has gone well for me, what will I do differently next term and perhaps thinking about the support that I need -is it a team level? mentoring groups? or perhaps at the whole staff level?
Wiki Workshop
Like all workshops I learnt a load of ideas that I can use as a teacher. I implemented these with my class at 8:30. Kids are motivated and engaged in technology and are steadily adapting skills to suit their learning needs.
In my class I have started wikis for all my students at a variety of levels and we are experimenting how wikis can be used as Electronic Portfolio's . They are used as a tool for reflecting on what we have learned and will be a key component of our Inquiry presentations.
iClass Teacher
It was great to have Jan with us this morning for some professional development. We are aware that we need to have our milestone to Jan by the 22 May. One thing that we need to do as Lead Teachers is to encourage the sharing of the challenges and successes of their classroom inquiries and the process that they themselves are going through, by means of blogging. The Ministry are expecting schools to be using as much as possible web 2 tools. This means using wikis, blogs, websites and PODCASTING. From this, the students are getting an authentic audience and contributing to global audiences.
Our 2 big things for this year are assessment and having a "toolbox".
We are setting up for our Celebration Day, whereby the whole school will be sharing their class inquiry to some of their peers. This will be happening in the last week of school.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
L@S 2009
We start with a challenge:
"Schools need to change to meet children's needs instead of being out of date. Too many children are leaving school without qualifications and not being prepared for their future. It's time for bravery and a new way of thinking and teaching and learning. E-Learning has a powerful part to play in making learning interesting, meaningful and personalised for our students."
Andy Hargreaves, talking about the Fourth Way (of Leadership i.e. inspiration, innovation and sustainability) of Educational Change that we need to move into the future.
He reminds us that any piece of ICT, however flash, will NOT positively improve student outcomes unless backed up by good teaching pedagogy.
First Way - innovation, flexibility, autonomy but not shared, spread or cohesive.
Second Way - standardisation of curriculum, testing, competition, targets, parent choice.
Third Way - improvement by sharing good practice, combination of pressure to perform and
support for change but still dictated by targets in narrow areas. Era of public-private sector partnerships.
Andy makes an interesting point about moving leadership and positions within organisations so that a perosn's loyalty is not to self or position, but the organisation as a whole - perhaps there's a message there for schools, maybe it's time to not be a maths teacher or a new entrant teacher for ever.
He's talking about Finland and it's example - high quality teachers, drawn by the mission of teaching, lots of co-construction of curriculum, schools full of trust, co-operation, responsibility and a sense of collaboration and big picture vision. I think we've picked up on some of these themes and also the message of community - schools working together in an area for the betterment of each other and all children. We should not compete by pitting school against school and be happy or relieved if another school fails. Strong School? - Then Help the Weak!
What about a diverse, or poor community - can it work there? Tower Hamlets, a high Bengali population area in London shows "Yes it can". Target setting was collaborative (not imposed top down), goals were established over time - "Poverty is not an excuse". Aim high. They knew their people, targets weren't being set by people from the Ministry who didn't know the communities. Another key was having quality teachers with commitment to the community - this commitment was visible and different stakeholders in the community agreed to initiatives like ensuring that kids were at school. And, giving schools lots of support so teachers get to concentrate on teaching and learning - everyone liked this, although I do like doing my own presentations - not sure I could let that go!
An inspiring session - with challenge but also reassurance that we are heading the right way in NZ, perhaps more devotion to the mission of teaching, more social responsibility and more of students as change partners - how do we achieve this in primary schools?
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