Monday, November 3, 2008

Tracking Our Unit

As I wander around the rooms I see lots of evidence of Inquiry in Action....I wanted to make sure that this is a focus in our foyer ( a very small space) yes I have finally done this. We need to make sure that evidence of our model can be seen throughout the I often say  - so that we are all on the same page. 
The Curriculum Day we had with Mary chamberlain and Lester Flockton gave us much to reflect on...particularly in terms of authentic learning.
The other thing that touched was the need to be finding ways to involve parents in what we are doing. This can be said also of Inquiry. As Principal I need to make sure that I continue to find ways to share our Inquiry journey with our parents. I think our sharing that we have planned is going to be very important....we need to get this right...we need to take the time; give ourselves the time to truly celebrate and reflect on this wee journey that we have undertaken this term. Yes this is something that I need to provide the leadership I have said before this space!!!!!!!!!!!!!