Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Our Model -the launch

Tuesday 2nd September  -we launched our Inquiry model! 
STRIVE  -Spark, Task, Research, Information, Voice, Evaluation
Yummy fairy cakes to get us into the zone and a polished presentation from the ICT team.
Some interesting discussion around the pictorial to support the model. I am pleased that the ICT lead teachers are going to organise posters etc for every room. I think this is important. As one staff member said we need to get it out there to our wider community.
We filmed our launch so that staff who were away today able to be "virtually" here!
We are being pretty formal to start with ...our first one will be 6-7.  I believe that how we launch this first Inquiry will be very important - we need to show that this is going to be fun and that we are all in this together! By injecting real enthusiasm and energy in to the launch we will get off to the perfect start!
The six thinking hats are going to be used schoolwide. We have resources within our school. We are also going to be  using the website to access resources to support us in this work.  This is  our first stage of integrating thinking skills into our Inquiry. Other models will be used as teachers see fit.
Watch this space!